Silica Sand in the Mix: remarkable results
I'm not sure that I can post a picture with a comment on your blog... but here are some my first fired attempts (size of small disc shapes 0.5" or 10mm). The three grey ones at the top are unfired, the blue ones fired up to 1000 C (1830 F) and held there for about 30 mins. Do feel free to use the picture yourself and comment on it in any way you like.
There are several obvious things to my mind:
1. the paste is almost unworkable, so these are the most sophisticated shapes I could make
2. I probably handled the dry pieces more than necessary so may have adversely affected the surface
3. The grains of sand have not really welded together, so the fired piece is not much stronger than the unfired - maybe a higher temp or longer soak would have made a difference, maybe not...
I'm looking forward to experimenting with the finer stuff.
There is certainly clay in one area of the salt marsh... another avenue to explore as you say...
Say Alan, it is truly remarkable that you were able to do anything at all with your “sandy mix” of Egyptian Paste. They have a nice surface texture. How you were able to hold it together is testimony to your skill. You are bound to turn out wonders with the finer mesh silica in the mix.
As you can see I've posted your letter. I read that I can make you part of this "Blog Team"; therefore you will receive an invite to be an author shortly. You may post as often as you like just keeping it about Egyptian Paste of course.
Labels: Egyptian paste beads, Egyptian paste recipe, glass artist, silica in clay
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